Τρίτη 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008

Pic-nicers love reading

There was a pink notebook… Everyone who took a book from the book sh(w)op had to write something in it..Their favourite writer, book and quote...And this is what they wrote...thank u guys!
Favourite Writer:
Margaret Atwood, Angela Carter, Laurie Lee, Nietzsche, Freud, Jung, John Steinbeck, Phillip Bell, George Orwell, Graham Green, JK Rowling, Phillip Pullman, Margaret Mitchell, Shakespeare, Shelley, Virginia Woolf, Alessandro Baricco, Milan Kundera, Oscar Wilde, Herman Hesse, Connie Palmen, Isabella Allende, Charles Bukowski, Garcia Marques, Kerouac, Dahl
Favourite Book:
The Handmaid’s Tale (Atwood), The Passion of Eve (Carter), As I walked out one midsummer morning (Lee), Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Nietzsche), The Coral Island (Ballantyne), Lucky Jim (Amis), Gone with the wind (Mitchell), Silk (Baricco), The Divine Comedy (Dante), The City of Lost Things (Auster), Mrs Dalloway (Woolf)
Favourite Quote:
‘’there is freedom from and freedom to’’ (Atwood)
‘’he who does not lay his will into things at least believes that they already obey a will’’ (Nietzsche)
‘’Thou shalt not steal’’
‘’a day not danced is a day not lived’’ (Nietzsche)
‘’I cannot believe in a God that doesn’t dance’’(Nietzsche)
‘’Aimer c’est souffrir, ne pas aimer, c’est mourir (Voltaire)
‘’And the earth becomes my throne with stens above and sea belowthrough lands familiar and unknown by myself-but not alone’’ (personal motto)
‘’My mother said the world would never find peace until men fall at their women’s feet and beg for forgiveness’’ (Kerouac)

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